Learn to Learn Online
Computer Skills
     Module four- Page 4 of 11

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Search Engines

To use the Internet for research, you can use any search engines. Here are three popular ones:

Google http://www.google.com

Altavista http://www.altavista.com


  1. First, go to the search engine web site.
  2. Type in a "key" word, then click on "go" or "search." For instance, if you are looking for winter vacation spots, you may type in "skiing."
  3. After a short time, links to relevant Web sites dealing with your key word will be listed for you.

Periodically, products are recalled because of safety problems. Follow the steps below and answer the questions.

  1. Get online.
  2. Type in the Web address of one of the above search engines.
  3. For your key word, type in recall list, and push "Go" or "return" button.
  4. Surf through a number of sites. Answer the following questions.
  5. Name 3 products that have been recalled during the last year. Which product appears to have received the most coverage on the Web?

For more practice on using researching topics, click on the Learn More button.

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