
Shared Course Student Complaint Resolution Process 

Student Policies

  • Students enrolled through an individual college in a class managed by SBCTC eLearning will be subject to and protected by the policies and procedures of the enrolling college.
  • Complaints will be handled through our WAOL Student Complaint Resolution Process

Instructor Policies 

  • Instructors who teach shared courses must meet the standard qualifications for their field according to the policies of the colleges that hire them.
  • Colleges that hire instructors to teach classes that have shared enrollment with other colleges must make information on those instructors available to SBCTC eLearning upon request.
  • Instructors are governed by the policies and procedures of the colleges that write their contracts to teach shared courses.

SBCTC eLearning (SBCTC) office Procedures

  • SBCTC eLearning office receives a complaint from a student by phone, by email or through a college contact.
  • SBCTC eLearning office determines if the problem is “technical” (email glitch, typo instructor can fix, course learning management system mishap, etc.)  If the problem is technical, SBCTC contacts the instructor, follows up to make sure the problem is solved, and lets all parties involved know about the problem resolution.  In general, SBCTC eLearning office staff does not contact a college for technical problems.
  • If the problem is not technical, SBCTC provides the instructor and the Teaching College eLearning Coordinator (ELC) information about the complaint and asks the instructor for a response.  BCTC leaves out the name of the student if the student doesn’t wish to be named.
  • Sometimes information from the instructor can solve the problem, and SBCTC reports back to the student and/or college, prints out all correspondence, and files under the instructor’s name.
  • If the instructor’s response does not solve the problem (grade dispute, student wants to file a formal complaint against the instructor for something that happened in the classroom, etc.), SBCTC advises the student to follow whatever procedures are in place at the college where he/she is enrolled.  BCTC directs the student to the Enrolling College ELC for assistance.  BCTC provides the Enrolling College ELC with background information on the problem, contact information for the instructor, and contact information for the Teaching College ELC.

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5 pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Toll Free: 1-888-580-9011  Spokane Area: 1-509-434-5155   |   E-mail: elearning@sbctc.edu