
WashingtonOnline Instructor Review Process


The college that hires the instructor is responsible for the instructor. It is assumed that any college that hires an instructor to teach a WAOL course that is shared with other colleges will certify the qualifications of the instructor.

The WAOL website will provide a database of instructors that will include the credentials of the instructor and instructor contact information for the benefit of enrolling colleges.

WAOL will assist colleges in assessing the performance of instructors, but will not perform an independent assessment of instructors.

The following questions are suggested topics of discussion that might be used by colleges in reviewing instructors or may be used by instructors in their classrooms to introduce themselves to students.

  • How are your beliefs about teaching and learning reflected in your actions as a teacher?
  • What evidence will show that your teaching reflects these beliefs?
  • What evidence can your students provide? Your colleagues? What evidence can you provide?
  • Which of the data listed above do you (or your department) regularly collect? How can you begin to collect the rest of the data you need?

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5 pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Toll Free: 1-888-580-9011  Spokane Area: 1-509-434-5155   |   E-mail: wa-online@sbctc.edu