Shared Course Web Grading
WAOL uses the same programming as your college to collect and distribute student grades in shared courses. After grades are entered into the shared course roster they can be sent to the college where the student enrolled. Grades must be submitted by the deadline (the Monday after the last day of instruction) so students remain eligible for the upcoming quarter’s financial aid.
Use the student roster in your instructor “MyWAOL” account to submit grades at the end of the quarter. You will need to use the WAOL Grade Palette (below) for submitting your grades. Grades may be entered up until the due date, after which the roster will be turned off. Some colleges in our system use letter grades and others use decimal grades, therefore the WAOL grading palette insures that the grades you assign to your students are translated as you intended.
If you miss the deadline, or if you have a grade change, please contact Brook Bane ( or Monique Belair (
Grade Palette
WAOL instructors must submit grades using the following grades only:
A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0
Key points
- Only the exact decimals above may be used to help letter grade schools translate grades.
- Some campuses with letter grades may not allow +/- grading or might have other options not in the palette above.
- P/NP or S/U - Pass or Satisfactory: The minimum achievement for a P or S equivalent to a 2.0.
- For non-passing grades, the last date of attendance must be provided. Also, if a student ceased to attend prior to the end of the term, the last date of interaction must be provided. If the student did participate up to the end of the class/term, enter the last day of the term.
- W Drops/Withdrawals - These are system-assigned grades that are not assigned by the instructors. To avoid conflicts with home campus refund policies and variations regarding the administrative drop, again the procedures of the home institution apply.
- V Grades - Not all colleges use the V or Z grade as an instructor or unofficial withdrawal. You may assign this grade to students who have not completed coursework; however, you should know that some colleges will translate a V or Z into an F.
- Please remember if you do wish to use the V grade, or have a non-passing grade, you must supply us with the last date of attendance
Assigning an Incomplete Grade in a WAOL course
Incomplete grades indicate that the instructor has given permission to the student to complete the requirements of a course at a later date based upon extenuating circumstances. The student must have prior completed work of passing quality to be considered for the incomplete option. An incomplete agreement or contract must be completed by the student and instructor.
The Incomplete procedures and deadlines of the home institution take precedence. However, the deadline may be determined by the instructor to be earlier than the home institution. If the deadline given by the instructor is later than the home campus deadline, the student may petition the home institution for an extension.
If you choose to give a student an Incomplete grade
- Assign an “I” grade to the student at the end of the quarter.
- Determine with the student what work remains to be completed
- If the student will need access to your classroom in order to complete the work, please work with your eLearning Coordinator to let the WAOL staff know which classroom you want the student to use.
WAOL will put the student in your classroom at no additional charge to the student.
When the student has completed the work, send the new grade to Brook Bane (
If you are teaching a class with continuous enrollment, don’t use the Incomplete. Talk to Mark Carbon about setting your classroom up in a different;509-434-5154