
WashingtonOnline Course Review Process

While WashingtonOnline will review courses for basic good practice, the lead college, the college that sponsored the course's development, is expected to also review its courses for good practice and for instructional content. 

Course Review

The lead college, the college that sponsored the course's development, reviews courses offered on the WashingtonOnline (WAOL). It is expected that each college submit online courses for review by the process in place at the college. The instrument below provides suggestions for evaluation instruments if the college does not already have an approved instrument.

In addition to the college-level review, WAOL will review courses for basic good practices including, but not limited to, a comprehensive syllabus, instructor contact information, and appropriate use of online technology. WAOL will not review courses for curricular content.

Questions for Course Review (All questions should be answered "yes")
  • Is there a syllabus?
  • Are the learning objectives clearly stated?
  • Are the methods and activities appropriate to the objectives?
  • Are the learning outcomes clearly stated?
  • Are deadlines and consequences of missed deadlines clearly stated?
  • Are participation policies clearly stated?
  • Are the assessments interactive? (if appropriate)
  • Is the assessment suitable for the content?
  • Do the courseware deliverables include these features?     o Courseware orientation for students
        o Clear instructions
        o Ease of navigation within courseware
        o Ease of finding information within courseware
        o Ease of uploading/downloading files and documents
        o Ease in reading the materials within the courseware
          § Fonts
          § Colors
          § Graphics
          § Sounds
        o Student support features -- help menus, FAQ's, etc.
        o Appropriate level of interaction by the faculty member

  • Does the instruction include these features?     o Learner involvement in instructional activities
        o Learner interaction with other learners
        o Links to outside resources
        o Adaptation to different learning styles
        o Adaptation to learner skills and prior knowledge
        o Requirements for high order learning and processing 

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